Weight Loss
Struggling with Your Weight?
If you are looking to dramatically lose weight through a safe and physician-supervised program, then Colonial Weight Loss in Sumter and Columbia, South Carolina may be right for you. Our counselors are focused on your long-term health and success, and they will work with you to determine the best personalized plan to meet your goals – through specialized diet, exercise, or our HCG program. They have helped hundreds of individuals meet their weight loss goals and they can help you, too!

What to Expect
Weight management requires a highly individualized approach. Our doctors will look for reasons why you might be struggling to lose weight through normal diet and exercise. Many patients have undiagnosed health conditions that contribute to weight gain or the inability to lose weight. We will run an extensive panel of blood test results to analyze your hormone levels, metabolism, cholesterol levels, and liver, kidney, and thyroid functionality.
Are You Ready for a Fabulous New You?
Weight loss is not just a physical change to your body. It is a lifestyle change that requires you to change your eating habits, your activity level, and, most of all, the way you think about the food you put into your body. If you can commit to all of these, then you are ready for your new journey.

Medical Weight Loss Program in Sumter & Columbia
Are you up for the challenge? Come see us today! Call us at (803) 774-8229 in Sumter or (803) 256-1511 in Columbia for a consultation or request an appointment online.